
Tausche deinen Lichtschalter gegen zigfred und verbinde beliebige Lampen mit der Philips Hue Bridge. Und über die Tasten kannst du weitere zigfred und smarte Leuchtmittel direkt mitsteuern.

Schalte bequem alle Lampen beim Verlassen der Wohnung mit einem Knopfdruck aus. Dimme die Deckenspots im Gang ganz easy per Sprachbefehl von deinem Sofa aus. Du stehst auf ausgesuchte Designlampen? Oder hängst du an Grosis schöner Antiklampe? Kein Problem: zigfred macht sie alle smart.

Egal wie flexibel du dein Smart Home gestalten möchtest: zigfred bietet dir die Lösung.

Clever living made easy

Zigfred Plus + Modual

Smart Homes are great. But the technology behind them can be a let-down. Installation, compatibility, integration, upgrades – often, they’re anything but smart. zigfred is different. We want clever living for everyone – simply and quickly. That’s why our switches are compatible with the most common Smart Home devices. They work with both smart lightbulbs and conventional lamps. And control is made simple through the zigfred app on your smartphone, remote control, or voice command. Try it out!

Voice commands through Google Home or Apple Siri require a compatible Zigbee gateway (e.g. Philips Hue Bridge, Homee, etc.)

zigfred is your
Smart Home’s missing link


zigfred simply and quickly connects
building installation with smart devices.

zigfred is almost everywhere:
online and in the stores of many well-known Swiss suppliers.

Pre-war or post-war building, home renovation? But of course. zigfred always fits.


For installation you need just two things: a cross-head screwdriver and a flat-head screwdriver. With a little bit of know-how you can manage it all on your own.

Practical: zigfred fits every standard flush-mounted socket. There’s no need for additional hardware. And for multiple arrangements, we support common mounting plates and cover frames. So there’s no more excuses.

zigfred has no artificial restrictions


zigfred is compatible with almost all available Zigbee components, and with most lights from Phillips Hue and IKEA TRÅDFRI. If you’re using a gateway system, simply register zigfred and take control of any desired light source. Or use the apps and interfaces from Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Apple HomeKit and take advantage of the integrated switch and dimmer channels. Additionally, zigfred is optimally equipped for new developments and wireless standards.

* Das Gateway muss Geräte von Drittherstellern zulassen. Siehe compatibility. Für Cloud-Funktionalität ist entsprechende Unterstützung notwendig (z. B. Philips Hue Bridge). Die Philips Hue Bridge unterstützt nur Leuchten, keine Storen.

 ** HomeKit Integration via kompatiblem Gateway (z.B. Philips Hue Bridge, Home Assistant).

Philips Hue<br>Gateway
IKEA TRÅDFRI<br>Glühbirne
Philips Hue<br>Fernbedienung
Google Home
Philips Hue<br>Glühbirne

For ceiling lights, toggle switches,
and switchable sockets.


For combined applications
of lights and blinds.


Two versions.
Every possibility.

Whether uno or plus: you’ll always receive the keypad module und all keypad covers. Simply take the variant that you need: with one, two, three, or four keys. And your cover can be changed in a flash as needed.

Plus, zigfred is modularly designed – so it’s future-proof and easily expandable.

Variation grid

Philips Hue and zigfred:
Sara’s got it figured out.

Sara’s smart. She’s got a hold of a Philips Hue system. Controlling the light in her apartment with an app – that’s cool and practical.

Though, needing an additional Hue remote control for every light switch is maybe not sooo practical. So when Sara’s in a hurry – and when isn’t she? – she flips the old switch. The kids do it anyway. So the Hue lights lack power time and again. Tedious.

Luckily, Sara discovered zigfred. She’s already swapped the most important light switches. Stored the Hue remote controls in the drawer. Of course, the zigfred switches are directly linked with the Philips Hue system. And that’s not all: thanks to the zigfred switch channels, the beautiful, not-quite-new LED dining table lamp has been integrated into the Philips Hue network. Great!

Portrait of Young Beautiful Woman Using Smartphone, Browsing in Internet, Checking Social Networks and Using Smart Home Application while Standing At Home. Cozy Evening.

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